
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Paul Klee prints

Third graders learned about Paul Klee and World War II during this art lesson. Paul Klee was a Swiss artist who was labeled as a "degenerate" by the Nazi party. He was targeted in a Nazi newspaper which led to his losing his job and his house being ransacked. He taught at the Bauhaus and was also a member of Die Blaue Vier with Kandinski.

We focused on his non-objective/abstract artworks for this project. First the girls drew a design on mat board and glued yarn over the design.

Next they used these plates to print their design onto heavy white paper. We discusses mood and viewer reaction before they chose their color scheme. Lastly they used chalk pastels to fill in around the black lines.


  1. This is, hands down, the COOLEST Paul Klee lesson plan idea I have ever seen! Wow!

  2. Thanks Pat! The girls really loved it and they were all successful.

  3. These are nice - may I ask how you printed without getting ink in negative spaces? Did you use a brayer and printing ink or what? Were they just careful to rub only on the yarn? I love the effect of printed yarn...

  4. Hi Hope,

    I didn't use ink for these, I spread a thin layer of black tempera onto a tray and gently placed the plate string side down. We applied a little pressure and pretty much all of them got paint in the negative spaces. I just used a paper towel or a q-tip in some cases and wiped it off before we printed. I just completed another batch with a group of 3rd graders two weeks ago. It's a very successful project. Last time we printed on light grey paper and it had a nice look to it. Good luck!
