Welcome to Super Happy Art Class!

I hope you enjoy looking at the wonderful artwork from Duchesne Academy Lower School. Lower School consists of girls, grades pre-k through fourth. Unfortunately I have not kept record of all the successful projects, but here is a good sampling. Check out the artwork by grade level, but realize that each activity can be used for multi-grades. Click on an image to see a larger view.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

surrealist collage

Third graders watched a PowerPoint of Surrealist artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali before creating these unusual collages. They used paper to create a ground and sky, then cut pictures from magazines to make weird dream-like scenarios.

Under the Sea Collage

Second grade used collage, watercolor, and sharpie to create these underwater scenes. I had loads of pictures of fish for them to look at. It was important that they included the proper body parts and didn't just draw the little fish they learned how to draw in kindergarten.

  1. Using construction paper, create an environment for the fish. Make sure to overlap sea grasses.
  2. Use torn paper for the sandy bottom
  3. Observe a fish in a picture and draw it on watercolor paper
  4. Outline the entire fish in black Sharpie marker
  5. Paint the entire fish with watercolor
  6. Glue the fish overlapping the sea grasses and the grasses overlapping the fish to show depth of field
  7. Add shells if time allows