Welcome to Super Happy Art Class!

I hope you enjoy looking at the wonderful artwork from Duchesne Academy Lower School. Lower School consists of girls, grades pre-k through fourth. Unfortunately I have not kept record of all the successful projects, but here is a good sampling. Check out the artwork by grade level, but realize that each activity can be used for multi-grades. Click on an image to see a larger view.

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Friday, February 28, 2020

Rough Water

First graders viewed several works of art that depict boats on rough waves. They used different types of lines to show movement, and added a boat. After the drawing was complete, the image was copied in Sharpie and painted using different values of blue. 

Hokusai, Great wave of Kanagawa, 1829-32

Color Wheel Lolipops

Second Graders were given a circle of paper with a center dot. They drew 6 curved lines from the center and filled each space created with primary and secondary colors and patterns. A Popsicle stick was added and plastic wrap was used to cover. 

Hot Air Balloon and Space

Second graders learned about space, where to place objects and how to manipulate size of objects to create distance in a work of art. The background was painted with tempera paint, and the balloons were designed with marker, then added to the background. 

Japanese Lanterns

Third graders first learned about Cherry Blossoms and their importance to Japanese culture. They also learned about the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. and how the trees there had been a gift from Japan. They used a template to draw a circle on white paper. The girls practiced painting Cherry Blossoms on a separate sheet of paper before painting them on the circular paper. The paper was then accordion folded to create a 3-d image, A black piece of paper was glues to the top and bottom of he lantern and a string was drawn onto the red paper with a Sharpie. 

Pattern Trees

Third graders used a circular format, and drew a open tree. The background was divided into sections with wavy lines. Each section was filled with a different pattern using a Sharpie marker. Lastly, watercolor was added.

Oil Pastel Giraffes

First graders followed a step by step guided drawing to create these whimsical giraffes They were allowed to color them however they wanted, using oil pastels. 

Jean Dubuffet Sculptures

After learning about Monument a Fantome, fourth graders used card stock to create their own sculptures based on the sculpture by Jean DuBuffet. 

Image result for monument au fantome